In the
continuing World War P (P standing for phones), there are two main enemies: Nokia
vs. Samsung. Before that there was Samsung vs. Apple which was fierce, but was
more of an American war.
In this
edition of World War P(s) Samsung hit out hard with the Galaxy range and for a
long time they were winning the war. They came out strongly, taking the Earth
from the Milky Way to the Samsung Galaxy. They had numerous versions, from the
Galaxy Y, Ace and the latest ones, the S3 and S4.
All was well.
Samsung had won - until Nokia’s
response to the Galaxy was the lemonade.
Let me
explain. The Nokia Lumia is derived from an Italian word meaning lemon (one of
its several meanings, anyway). So Nokia literally took Samsung’s smug lemons
and made lemonade.
The Lumia is
an impressive phone especially for emerging markets in Africa. It is a Windows
phone. The two main divides are the 10 series and the 20 series, and they are
giving the Samsung galaxy a run for their money. The Lumia might just be better
than the iconic 3310.
Nokias get
points for reinventing themselves and coming up with a brilliant smart phone. I
recently bought a 620 and my favourite feature is…it looks good. Most
importantly, it can fit comfortably in my pocket (unlike…you know what)!
of the competitions and wars, Nokia is still living up to its slogan; folk are
still buying their phones. They are still Connecting People.