There are 4 types of chemical bonds:
- Ionic bond
- Covalent bond
- Polar bond
- James Bond
Let’s concentrate on James bond. The latest movie Skyfall
which is 23rd of its series, is coming out this November. What you
didn’t know is you will not hear his signature line anymore; the ‘shaken not
stirred’ one. Now, he will say Heineken. Yes, Heineken the green-bottled Dutch beer.
I was as surprised as you; the legendarily suave ladies’ man will actually
drink beer. Alas! Could it be that James Bond is an ordinary bond – err, man,
just like you and me?
Before you get angry that this Bond is now drinking beer,
there are marketing/advertising and production reasons behind this partnership.
In previous movies, the Bonds were so smooth that even when 5 goons are after
him and a building is exploding behind him, he still has time to open the car
door for a lady. This generation’s Bond, Daniel Craig, is a man’s man, not a ladies’
man. Compared to Pierce Brosnan, he is not as easy on the eye. He’s rough and tough.
When he drink’s a man’s man drink, a beer, it’s believable.
I feel that with this partnership, Heineken has upgraded itself
from being just a beer to being the smoothest,
badassest beer (drunk by the smoothest, badassest man). Its competition,
Guinness, whose current slogan is ‘Come drink at the table of men’ will be in
trouble after Skyfall premieres, simply because Bond is drinking Heineken; all
men on the planet want to be James Bond (and all the ladies just drool and drop
at his feet), so they are going to drink whatever he is drinking.
For a long time Heineken has sponsored sports; first Liverpool
Football Club , then the UEFA Champions League which is a huge success. We are talking
about the guys who brought Usain Bolt on as a hype man in last season’s final
match between Chelsea and Bayern Munich. They should bring Daniel Craig this
time. They have gone a step further, a step larger still, by choosing a
universally popular far-reaching platform: the world’s longest-running movie
franchise (James Bond just turned 50 on Bond Day, October 5th).
Heineken is branching out from traditional sporting sponsorship to entertainment
industry, with one swift, well-calculated move. It is, quite simply, brilliant.
I love it.
Just because Heineken positioned itself strategically with James
Bond, today I give Heineken a ten over ten. The basic moral of this post is, positioning
in a new market must be strategic and properly thought out.
As soon as I learned this information on a Friday afternoon,
I promptly walked into a classy bar and did my best James Bond impersonation
for the female waiter who quickly approached. In a charming, Bond-like manner,
I lifted one eye brow and asked for a Heineken. She didn’t even notice that we
were in my own movie, License to drink.
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