Monday, 7 July 2014


There have been many product placements in TV series. Product placement as a marketing tool has gone a notch higher; for a while, marketing has elevated to a level which makes products prominent in Hollywood movies.The latest - and most glaringly obvious - instance is from the movie Transformers 4: Age of Extinction.


In the first few scenes, there is an interstellar Autobot bounty hunter by the name of Lockdown. He is ruthless and vicious; and, he turns into - yes - a Lamborghini Aventador. The car matches the character of Lockdown; beastly and basically made up of raw power.

The product that got the lion's share of the marketing is the car company CHEVROLET. Mark Wahlberg drives a Chevrolet in the very first scene as he goes to his house. They are not interested in being discreet; they are interested in being direct. Also, at some point in the movie, the main characters are rescued by someone else driving a Chevy Sonic rally car.

 Bumble Bee transforms from a 1967 Mr. Vegance Camaro -

to a 2014 Camaro Concept car.

There are a host of other conveniently placed products; at some point, the camera focuses on a device to make music; that morphs into a close up shot of the pill, by Beats by Dre.

An accident happens with a car that is coincidentally, of course, carrying bottles of Bud Light.

Wahlberg, in the middle of an alien invasion, takes this time to take a sip of this cool, refreshing American drink (about as believable as Brad Pitt in World War Z drinking a Pepsi after figuring out how to safely walk through a battering ram of zombies).

When mayhem is being wrought in the city, Bumblebee crashes into a Victoria's Secret bus -

- and lands in Tom Ford wall.

Please note that all these products are American; this is no country (movie) for Guinness or Stoned Cherrie.

But the biggest product placement has to be that of the AMERICAN FLAG.

In the trailer alone, the American flag is waving in the background a minimum of 10 times.

10 flags... 2 and a half minutes.

All through the movie, the flag is depicted as a central part of life; when a character dies, the only thing that is left of him is the flag; when the aliens are invading, they pass over the flag; and so on, and so forth.

Even more 'climatic', the pinnacle point is where Wahlberg overcomes a trained CIA agent in CHINA, by throwing an AMERICAN FOOTBALL at him -
- which causes him to lose his balance and Wahlberg empowers him.


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